Facts About Big Data You Should Know

The rapid spread and use of big data in all aspects of life have created a new position for small businesses: the consumer. Big data visualization enables companies to take advantage of their customers’ visual connections with their brand and products by tracking their likes, dislikes, patterns of behavior, and more. The insights these insights yield can be used by brands to shape and build their strategies, create a better customer experience, and improve the quality and satisfaction of their customers. But what are some of the facts about big data you should know?


According to research by McKinsey & Company, big data can be particularly useful to businesses that want to understand their target markets. Through various types of analytical processes, such as behavioral tagging and attribute extraction, marketers can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences. These insights can help in formulating and implementing improved marketing approaches, as well as make it easier to target potential customers through various means, such as direct mail, coupons, and advertisements on television and the Internet. This helps in brand identification, which is an important step towards building a strong and stable brand identity that is easily recognizable among a large number of competitors.


Big data does not only benefit marketers and companies; it can also be beneficial to the individual consumer. Today’s consumer is constantly inundated with information, many of which is inaccurate and time-consuming to sift through. However, by using various analytics techniques and data analysis technologies, consumers can gain valuable insight into how they feel about different products and brands. Through this process, consumers may be able to filter out information that does not resonate with their own emotions and needs and be able to determine the core issues that they are concerned about. This information can then be used by companies to develop and refine their marketing strategies, as well as become better aware of their own and their customers’ priorities and needs.

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